last update 3/13/99
Lawrence, Lawrence's Family and Lawrence's Friends
Hi! I am Lawrence! You already know who I am! You say we haven't met? When then come on,
sit down in a comfortable chair and will we get to know each other.
Visit Lawrence.
You say you
already know enough about me! I hope I haven't bored you. Well then maybe you would like to
meet my family.
Visit Lawrence's Family.
You say you have already met my family! Wonderful
aren't they. I am one lucky man to have such a great family! Well then maybe you would like to
meet some of my friends!
Visit Lawrence's Friends.
Did you enjoy meeting my friends? Would
you like to be my friend? I am always open to another honest, sincere, and mutually beneficial
friendship! Perhaps none of this is what you are looking for. Perhaps you are looking for family
tree information? Well although it is not here yet, it will be soon!
Visit Lawrence's Family Tree.
Perhaps you came to view my Memorial. My memorial section is a small section in memorandum
to individuals that have had a major impact on my life, mostly through the love they expressed for
Visit Lawrence's Memorial.
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Copyright © Lawrence Turner 1999