In the days of old knights and wizards competed in search of lost artifacts. Spells were cast,
battles were fought and dragons were tamed. The playhouse became a clubhouse which in turn
became a crafts studio. I built the playhouse when my boys, Ryan and Andy, were small but they
have nearly outgrown it. The playhouse footprint is 12' by 8'. It has two stories. The first story is
divided into two areas. The first area, 8' by 8', is termed the "bicycle garage" and, as you guessed,
bicycles and outdoor toys are stored there. The second is the front porch which sports a railing
and a ladder that leads up to the "clubhouse". The "clubhouse" area is 8' by 8'. There are 6
windows. A children sized table with two benches, doubling as "treasure chests", and a set of
shelves make up the furniture. A small door, watch your head, leads to a small balcony, my
favorite place, that overlooks the yard. The trim color of the playhouse is purple, fitting for kings
and queens, wizards and dragons.